The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the principle political entity of the District. The Board establishes and oversees District policy, develops the District’s strategic plan, and has ultimate fiduciary responsibility over all financial matters. The District has five at-large Director positions that are elected to four-year terms from residents residing within the District’s boundaries and registered to vote in Humboldt County.
At the December Board meeting, the Board elects its President and Vice President for a one-year term, extending to the November Board meeting of the following year. The Board President serves as the chairperson of each Board meeting and sets monthly meeting agendas.
The Board meets monthly on the third Thursday of each month to conduct regular business at the District Office located at 9126 Shelter Cove Road. Regular Board meetings usually start at 9AM. From time to time the Board will need to hold special meetings in order to respond to special circumstances and emergency situations. The date & time for special meetings are set by the Board President. All agendas for regular and special (when needed) meetings are posted to the District website and physically posted in the bulletin board outside at the District Office.
Board meeting minutes are prepared by District staff and approved at the following Board meeting. Most current and past (archive) Board meeting minutes are available.
Current District Board Directors (Term) and Email Contact:
President, Janet Evans (2022-2024)
Vice President Jack Hargrave (2022-2026) –
Director Tesia Beauchene (2020-2024) –
Director David Sommer (2020-2024) –
Director Mike Soluri (2022-2026) –
Each Director has specific focus areas and/or Board appointed committee assignments. Current focus/committee assignments:
Tesia Beachene: Budget, Finance, Board Traning Advocate, Business/Tourism Outreach, CERT/Fire Department, Utility Revenue Projections, Union Negotiations, Office Liaison.
David Sommer: Utility Revenue Projections, Strategic Planning, BLM Liaison, Electrical Department Liaison
Jack Hargrave: Parks & Recreation,Stratigic Planning, Airport Management.
Janet Evans: Budget, Finance, CERT/Fire Department.
Mike Soluri: Golf Links, Union Negotiations, Airport Management, Water and Wastewater Department Liaison.